Solving Energy and Environmental Problems


About the Module

This module explores the current energy and environmental problems the world is facing, by critically evaluating the main causes and finding ways to alleviate and solve them. Key topics include energy conservation, alternative or renewable energy, climate change, carbon footprint, decarbonization, pollution, forestation/reforestation and science-based policy making. Students will be equipped to make an immediate difference not just through their awareness but also by translating their knowledge into concrete action.  


Lectures/seminars, group discussions, student research, out-of-classroom excursions, class presentations, individual reports.

Students will be advised on reference materials and books/chapters to read to prepare for the seminars.



Weeks 1-6

Introduction to the module and participants, clarification of assessment methods, group dynamics, Overall survey of the scope of this module and the topics planned.

Energy problems:

Energy crisis, global situation

Reducing energy consumption and wastage

Energy conservation

Alternative energy sources, Renewable energy (some of which produce toxic waste leading to Environmental problems)

[Submission of individual reports on Energy problems]

Weeks 7-12

Environmental problems:

(These are the visible results of Energy problems)

Climate change, Global warming, Causes and consequences

Concept of carbon footprint

Methods of Decarbonization

Rising sea levels and atmospheric temperature

Pollution, Toxic materials, Biodegradable materials

Recycling waste (metals, plastics)


Access to clean water, Public health

[Submission of individual reports on Environmental problems]

Week 13

Finale – Summary of lessons learnt, Feedback session

[A few lecture slots in the semester will be devoted to Guest speakers who will speak on relevant topics with Q n A session.]

[Two weeks of the semester will be devoted to visiting relevant companies and installations.]




(i)     Weekly individual class participation


(ii)    Weekly group class presentations


(iii)   Individual Mid-term report on How to solve Energy problems (max 2000 words)


(iv)   Individual End-of-term report on How to solve Environmental problems (max 3000 words)


Total for CA:




Week 1 (Energy Topic 1 – Energy crisis)

Introduction to the module, participants, contents, pedagogy and assessment, Energy crisis, severity and efforts in various countries, Energy conservation to reduce total consumption

Week 2 (Energy Topic 2 – Alternative energy)

Exploring alternative energy sources, renewable energy and their feasibility, studying the downside (eg. Disposal of Li batteries and other toxic elements), leading to Environmental Problems

Week 3

Guest speaker(s) on relevant topics with Q n A session

Week 4

Group presentations on Energy crisis (Seminar 1 is for 2 groups, Seminar 2 is for remaining 2 groups)

Week 5 Visit to a relevant company

Week 6

Group presentations on Alternative energy (Seminar 1 is for 2 groups, Seminar 2 is for remaining 2 groups)

[Recess week]  Submission of individual reports

Week 7 (Environmental Topic 1 – Carbon footprint)

Concept of carbon footprint, Ways to measure carbon footprint, Decarbonization, Concept of Frugal engineering (reducing the complexity and cost of manufacturing goods), Deforestation and causes, Measures to reduce deforestation, National efforts in Reforestation

Week 8 (Environmental Topic 2 – Climate change)

Introduction to environmental problems, Identification of environmental problems, eg.Climate change, Global warming, Causes and consequences, Rising levels of carbon dioxide, Rising atmospheric temperature, Rising sea levels

Week 9

Guest speaker(s) on relevant topics with Q n A session

Week 10

Group presentations on Carbon footprint (Seminar 1 is for 2 groups, Seminar 2 is for remaining 2 groups)

Week 11  Visit to a relevant company

Week 12

Group presentations on Climate change (Seminar 1 is for 2 groups, Seminar 2 is for remaining 2 groups)

Week 13

Motivational talk, Students/groups will provide feedback and further reflections on what they have learnt and how the module can be improved. Submission of individual reports.



Emeritus Professor Seah Kar Heng

Department of Mechanical Engineering


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