Thoughtful Learning with Machines



“Is that the same as Machine Learning without tears?”  Well, thoughts and tears both germinate near the top of the body, so maybe there are some connections.

However, the aim here is to become familiar with Artificial Intelligence, with appreciation for what it is and can be, rather than for deep dives into theories and programming.

This is a tools-and-soft-skills module introducing Python machine learning, with hands-on modelling via pre-programmed templates.  Students will be gently ushered into the artificial intelligence landscape, so that they might henceforth — as an insider — keep abreast with the ecosystem’s constant reshaping.

Broad appreciation of introduced models from a decision-maker’s perspective will be emphasized.  Students will learn to communicate responsively and congenially with senior management and technical colleagues alike.

They will be equipped to thoughtfully follow the accelerating analytics transformations within modern organizations.  Graduates may then deservedly take a seat with enlightened movers and shakers digitizing future workplaces.

Students must be quantitatively inclined — to banish any sprouting teary setting — and should aspire to be motivators in structural data-centric makeovers.  It is expected that most students will hence be consistently adding to their knowledge of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and keeping up with trends of the novel models’ adoptions and fruitful implementations in the economy at large.

STEM students will be particularly required to hone their summary writing and verbal presentation skills, while other students will be especially prepared to dream along the data dimension in their future personal as well as corporate decision-making.


None.  Nodding acquaintance with programming would possibly help.  Need more than a faint heart.



Listed topics may not be taught in a strict order, and are only illustrated with typical currently popular machine-learning methods as placeholders.

1.      Artificial intelligence and machine learning framework:
         A survey of current development and future directions.

2.      Python programming basics:
         The Python programming environment for software development; performing hands-on coding for a simplified routine recursive task.

3.      Statistics for machine learning:
         Central tendency, dispersion measures, probability distributions, sampling schemes, and correlations.

4.      Supervised and unsupervised learning:
         Survey operations carried out on columns or rows to learn structures and build models.

Supervised Learning:

5.      Stochastic Gradient Descent, Elastic Net and Support Vector Regressors:
         Introduction to pathfinding in optimization; extensions to ordinary regression; and searching for delineating gaps between groups of data rows.

6.      Time Series Forecast models:
         Methods for sequentially collected data.

7.      Random Forest Regressor and Gradient Boosting Machine:
         Ensemble of simultaneous non-linear predictive models using bifurcating branches; sequential strengthening of weak predictors via a differentiable loss

8.      Naïve Bayes Classifier and Decision Tree Classifier:
         Categorizing classes using conditional probabilities; constructing triage rules via measures of diversity.

9.      K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier and Support Vector Classifier:
         Classifying objects by majority votes of neighbors; Classifier counterpart to Support Vector Regressors.

Unsupervised Learning:

10.   K-Means Clustering and Hierarchical Clustering:
        Unsupervised grouping of rows by distances from center points; grouping of rows using hierarchy of clusters.

11.   Principal Component Analysis:
       Grouping of weighted columns along perpendicular directions.

Reinforced Learning:

12.   Dynamic Optimization:
        Finding the sequential maximum or minimum of a combination of transformations of columns.




(i)       3 Individual Modelling Assignments:


(ii)      Analytics Report Writing Exercise:


(iii)     Individual Participation:


(iv)     Group Case Study:


(v)     Group Project: 


Total Assessment:


 Three individual modelling assignments (of 15% each) will require students to use specific models (just covered in class at that point) to extract information for decision making, via supplied python templates by using them on non-trivial datasets.  Write-ups for individual assignments should not exceed 3 concise pages in A4 format.

The Analytics Report Writing Exercise will require students to artfully summarize a simple technical article for the typical literate but non-numerate magazine reader.

The Group Case Study involves the handling of a smaller dataset for a more elementary task, just to get the group members to work together and learn from each other early in the semester.

For the Project, each group will need to choose a few methods covered in the module to process a large, assigned dataset or one culled by the students from other disciplines, e.g., behavioral & consumer science, biomedicine, environmental studies, etc.  Students will be given few explicit instructions for the completion of the Group Project.  This will be meant as a simulation of an encounter with real, messy data while having no guidelines, as might happen in a future workplace.

Each student will need to submit a 300-word article—written for the technically-savvy layman—on their personal encounter with the analytics methods used by the Group for the Project, which will account for 5% out of the 30% for the Project grade.  Students will still share the same marks for the remaining 25% of the module grade for the Project.  Every student will articulate in their respective Group Project presentation for a finale.

The Project, also providing peer-teaching opportunities, is carried out in groups of not more than 5 students. The write-up should not exceed 5 concise pages in A4 format.

Assessment for Individual Participation will include a student’s attitude, behaviour & etiquette, attendance record, punctuality, participation in online discussion forum, etc.


Suggested Preliminary Reading  Learn Python basics with Wonder Woman.

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